Vaidya Santosh Kumar Yadav, an Ayurvedic Practitioner Melbourne, has been practicing Ayurveda for 15 years. Vaidya Santosh has devoted his life to this science and completed his undergraduate and post graduate degree in Ayurveda. He has completed a Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from University of Lucknow and Post Graduate degree from the internationally reputed Banaras Hindu University from India.
Vaidya Santosh has worked in wide range of clinical setup as Ayurvedic Practitioner and doctor in Melbourne. He has treated thousands of patients in India and Australia. He is specialised in treatment of chronic illness and Kareli Panchakarma Treatment. In Ayurvedic consultation Santosh describes the Dosha Diagnosis, body constitution, pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis and whole systemic examination than make the diagnosis according the Ayurvedic literature and also correlates the Modern approach, and then prescribes the Ayurvedic medicine and treatments.
Education, Certification & Licensure of Vaidya Santosh Yadav
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Post Graduate Diploma in Ayurvedic drug Standardisation (PGDAyDS)
Diploma in Yoga
Certificate course in Yoga Practice (CCYP)
Registered Accredited practitioner of Australian Traditional Medicine society (ATMS)
Professional Member of Australasian Association of Ayurveda Inc (AAA)
At Ayurveda Yoga Wellness clinic various treatment options for following conditions:
Joint Pain Disorders: Such as Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and Osteoarthritis etc
Infertility Treatment: Male and Female
Gynocological RelatedProblem: Menstruations Disorders, Menopause Syndrome etc
Neurological Disorder: Such as Parkinson’s, Alzimears, Multiple sclerosis etc
Skin Diseases: Psoriasis and Eczema
Metabolic Disorder: Diabetes and Obesity
Hormonal Disorders: Such as Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism
Panchkarma Treatment /Detox Treatment/ BIO- CLEANSING MEASURES
Ayurvedic Massage
Sirodhra Treatment
Back and Neck Pain
Stress and Depression
Ear Diseases such as : Tinnitus & Meniere’s disease